Consider some signs that could make one suspect that children are developing some elements of narcissistic personality.
Thus, since children and teenagers are in the process of establishing their personhood, personality disorders cannot be diagnosed. However, it must be established through long-standing, ongoing tendencies of a person’s conduct. There are, nonetheless, some unfavorable emerging personality patterns among the young that may be managed so that they do not escalate into more serious problems.
Alert indicators
Thanks to popular TV shows, magazines, and movies narcissism is encouraged in the contemporary culture more than ever before. Such blessings as approval ratings, likes and constant reinforcement that the only thing that matters is beauty and it does not matter who they step on to get that beauty. Children for example are left wondering where and how they can be when such messages are fed to them many times a day. This means that children are at an early age vulnerable to adopting some of these detrimental behaviors and if one wants to get these signs early so that they can be helped to be redirected, the best approach is to approach the children.
This is particularly seen in corruption, manipulation, and a general culture of shifting the blame in the organization in case of any mistake made or any fault found in the system.Again, as in the case with adults, children do not want to look at the negative aspects of the deed. Which is expected and normal for that age. That being the case, it may be something to worry about if such inclinations become rather rigid and they are in total denial that they have done anything wrong on their part.
Having narcissistic tendencies may make a youngster appear to be overbearing, egocentric, and with low empathy, thus they always seem to be right and do not think that they are at fault. Even if such bodies could be motivated by the data showing that in order to be effective change is needed, they could decide not to assume any responsibilities at all. This is not a permissible approach for them to accept that they could have possibly managed the situation better; instead, they zoom in on the errors that other parties made, no matter the build-up to events.
Likewise, these kids may continuously deny all the negative aspects about themselves. They simply do not believe that there is something that can be done in order to improve their character; when asked to analyze themselves, they refuse and become defensive.
Lack of empathy.
Overly, children who seem to consistently be utterly helpless when it comes to understanding the emotive state of another in any facet of their existence might be exhibiting some worrying symptoms. When children have no empathy, it may look like they are ready to harm others although they feel no pain and guilt; but sometimes they may even derive pleasure from the pain of other people.
He expressed that child with no empathy, will not assist friends that are injured, but rather they relish the chance to laugh at them. In general, they will not cry at movies with appropriately sad plots, and they may not be troubled by the sight of other children crying; instead, they may well laugh. The child who cannot name, describe or understand how feelings influence other people may not be able to maintain associations and in time, any kind of relationship. This blog also shows that there is an increase in egocentric actions when the light is turned off.
The youths that have narcissistic behaviours always love publicity, they derive pleasure in it from academic achievements or just being the ‘it kids’ in school. It is the tendency to act selfishly when the focus is turned toward another that should also be noted as being different from the behaviors of properly developed youth, according to the researcher; As well as desire to perform at all costs. These egocentric behaviors may seem as a constant focus on what they feel are the inferior aspects of other people to bring the focus back to themselves.
Lack of tolerance to other people’s mistakes.
The narcissistic’s children predominantly have a growing confidence and are unable to tolerate any signs of weakness. They could tease their fellow students and become obsessed with everyone’s weaknesses while minimizing their flaws. Those who are so much ambitious that cannot stand the defects of those who surround them or the youngsters who have high estimation of themselves may be a sign. There are several measured and recorded traits of narcissists, but in general, when it comes to conduct by other people, narcissists expect a much better performance than they themselves would exhibit and are highly intolerant to what may be considered a breach of manners.
Disproportionate anger.
Self-focused children will act embarrassed or irritated by an event and could get easily agitated in a manner that does not fit the situation. They could become abusive towards other people with out even a hint of a provocation, respond to their own distress with firy temper, and then lose their temper at some rather mild anti-social stimulus. It is normal to feel angry when someone has been actually unjust to you or someone you know; it is rather when the feelings of anger have emerged but the events which sparked them off are not so heinous. Frustration and other kinds of anger at injustice are normal, but when the anger outweighs the event that caused the anger it can become an issue.
Disrespect especially to the opinions of other people.
Self-esteem correlates positively with healthy, acceptable levels of concern for some of the friends’ opinions which are detectably different from one’s own in healthy, well-adjusted kids. While in the case when the child is still in the process of developing narcissist tendencies they try to impose their opinions on others disregarding the opinions of the latter. That could include continuous attempts to ‘convince’ others of their point of view, getting easily annoyed when people do not think in the same manner as them or being surprised that people do not view the world as they do.
Replenishing signals that always relapse on certain patterns.
However, it is necessary to bear in mind that most of these behaviors can sometimes take place during the childhood for different reasons other than the emergence of narcissism, nevertheless, if these behaviors recur and are performed repeatedly, these should signal a need for concern. The youngster, who may be showing some feudal signs of narcissism, would not exhibit one or two of such signs; these habits would always be interfering with the normal, happy existence of a child. The ability to identify that pattern as a negative pattern is the first step toward having to change it so that it can cease before it progresses to personality disorder in the future.